3rd & 4th Class – Assembly

On Friday 25th November, our class hosted the whole-school assembly. We based our assembly on the theme of Advent. We spoke about the history of Advent and presented various items to the school, such as an Advent calender and an Advent wreath. We then said our Advent prayer using actions. Our very talented classmates, Lexie and Ava, created actions for us to use as we recited our Advent prayer.

3rd & 4th Class – Heritage

As part of Science week, we were very fortunate to have Mary from the National Heritage Council of Ireland visiting our school. During the month of November, we gathered yoghurt pots, pine and fir cones and vegetable nets in the classroom which would then be used to create our bird cakes with Mary. We really enjoyed learning about taxidermy and taking part in a taxidermy trail on our school grounds. We had fun creating our bird cakes which we then brought home.