Dear Parents/Guardians,
As we reach the end of the first term, all of us here in Clashmore NS would like to wish you and your families every happiness and blessing as you celebrate Christmas together.
1. School Recordings on CRY
Community Radio Youghal visited on Wednesday Dec 1st and recorded each class singing a Christmas song out on the front yard. These recordings will be aired on Wednesday 29th December sometime between 4 – 6pm.
2. Youghal Chamber
Congratulations to Sienna Bourke (Junior Infants) and Pádraig Cunningham (3rd Class) who were winners in the Youghal Chamber Christmas colouring competition.
3. Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal
We had a great response to the Shoebox Appeal. The boxes were donated by the school and local community, ensuring that children in need around the world received a gift this Christmas.
4. GAA Coaching
We are delighted to welcome past pupil Brian Lynch, as he continues on in the fine tradition of Timmy O’Keeffe, by visiting the school to coach all the classes in GAA skills. Brian will be with us every Tuesday morning going forward.
5. Christmas Week Activities
Christmas started early in Clashmore NS this week with the arrival of Santa and his elves on Monday 20th. It was lovely to hear the sound of children’s voices singing along with Santa in the front yard. The children were delighted with their selection boxes. Thanks to the Community Council for organising the visit and the treats.
To get into the festive spirit the children (and staff) have been wearing their Christmas colours all week in aid of our annual fundraiser for the Dungarvan Lion’s Club.
The children enjoyed watching the online Christmas Panto, the cost of which was kindly covered by the Board of Management.
A wide variety of Christmas Art was created by the children and has been sent home to be enjoyed by all.
6. School closure Wednesday 22nd December
Exiting time for classes.
7. School re-opens
Clashmore NS will re-open on Thursday, 6th January, 2022.
Nollaig shona daoibh go léir !
Suzanne Hynes,
Acting Principal.