Dear Parents/Guardians,
As we come to the midterm break, all of us here in Clashmore NS would like to thank you for your help and support in settling the children back into the school routine. The children have been busy reconnecting with their friends and getting to know their new teachers.
1. Hallowe’en in Clashmore NS
Hallowe’en has well and truly arrived in Clashmore NS and there are lots of ghosts, ghouls, witches and monsters hanging around the place. The children have been enjoying making all sorts of Hallowe’en art and these have been sent in for uploading to the website, so keep an eye out! We will have our annual Witches’ Walk on Friday 28th October, so we expect to see very scary costumes in school on that day. Thanks to Jazz and the Community Council, the route down to St. Mochua’s Well will be suitably decorated, and no doubt will be great fun for the children.
2. School Lunches
The roll out of the School Meals Scheme commenced on Monday 5th September. At present the lunch consists of a choice of sandwich/roll/pasta with a piece of fruit/snack. Our lunch provider is working towards providing a hot lunch and will be in touch with you prior to the changeover.
3. Beginning of School Year Mass
We celebrated our Beginning of School Year Mass in the school hall on Thursday 22nd September. It was the first time in three years that the whole school came together. Thanks to Fr. Kelly for making it such a lovely occasion.
4. Cumann na mBunscoil
The boys and girls from 4th – 6th class took part in the Football blitz held in Aglish. After some very exciting games our girls’ team qualified to play Stradbally NS in the semi-finals which were held in Dungarvan on Thursday 13th October. The girls played some great football and worked well together as a team, coming out deserving winners at the final whistle. Their much-anticipated final against Whitechurch NS took place in Dungarvan on Saturday 22nd October, and after a thrilling performance they emerged victorious and were presented with the cup. Thanks to Ms Cotter, Barry and Timmy for their work with both the boys’ and girls’ school football teams this term.
5. GAA Coaching
Barry Dunne has been with us for two football coaching sessions so far this term. We are currently going through the garda vetting process and hope to have a coach from the club helping out soon. Thanks to Timmy for his ongoing support.
6. Youghal Credit Union Saving Stamps
We are delighted to have the Credit Union savings stamps scheme back up and running in the school. It is proving to be very popular with the children. Stamps are on sale every Friday at a cost of €1 each.
7. Clashmore NS Parents’ Association
The Parents’ Association held their AGM in the school on Tuesday 25th October. The following is the report from the meeting:
Clashmore Parents’ Association
On Tuesday night 25th October we held our Annual General Meeting in Clashmore school. We were delighted to get such a wonderful turn out and would like to thank everyone who attended.
On the night we elected a new committee:
Eleanor Trihy Chairperson
Ciara Martin Vice Chairperson
Yvonne Coonan Treasurer
Anne Ledingham Secretary
Jackie Fenton
Samantha Cullinan
Sabrina McGrath
Rose Kinsella
Anna Foley
Sheila O’Neill
Fiona Roche
We would like to thank Ciara Martin who was our chairperson for the last 3 years for all her hard work. We look forward to working together as a committee and with the teachers and parents. Wishing you all a very Happy Hallowe’en from the Parents’ Association.
8. Enrolment Ceremony
The Enrolment ceremony for the children in 2nd class who will be making their First Communion this year will take place in Clashmore church on Thursday 24th November @ 7pm.
9. Heritage in Schools Scheme
We will have 2 visits under the Heritage in Schools scheme in November. On Friday 18th, the topic will be ‘Native Irish Wild Animals’, while Monday 21st the topic will be ‘Native Irish Birds’. As many as possible of the activities will be conducted outdoors, and children will have the opportunity of making bird cakes for our garden birds.
10. Carol Service
Thursday 8th December is the date of our Carol Service, which will be held in the church @ 7pm. Thanks to Mrs. Murphy who will help out with the music on the night.
11. Staff Training
The school will close at 12:30pm on Friday 9th December to facilitate staff training in the new Primary Language Curriculum.
12. Christmas Outings
On Thursday December 15th, 1st – 6th classes will be heading off to Cork Opera House to see the panto Sleeping Beauty. We are really looking forward to it, having missed out during the last 2 Christmases. Thanks to the generosity of the Parents’ Association who are subsidising the trip, the cost of bus and ticket remains at €20. Without their help, it would not be possible to go.
Our Infants are also off on a trip. On Monday December 19th, they are off to the Hive in Dungarvan for a Christmas movie, arts and crafts, and hot chocolate. Cost to be advised.
13. Enrolments 2023-2024
We are now accepting enrolments for the coming school year. If you intend to enrol your child in Clashmore NS, or know of someone who wishes to do so, it is advisable to request an enrolment form from the office (024-96404 or and return it promptly, fully completed.
14. Visit of local author
On Thursday 27th October we were delighted to welcome back past pupil Stephen Dunne. Stephen has written 3 children’s books, based on characters from his childhood, and he very kindly visited each classroom, reading from his books and answering the many and varied questions put to him by the children. It was a lovely experience for the children and we are grateful to Stephen for visiting us.
15. Midterm Break
The school will close for midterm break on Friday 28th October at 3pm. We will re-open on Monday 7th November.
16. Graduation
Finally, all of us here in Clashmore NS, and especially her pupils in 5th and 6th class, would like to congratulate Ms Cotter as she graduates from Mary Immaculate College of Education, Limerick.
Happy Hallowe’en to you all.
Suzanne Hynes,
Acting Principal,
Clashmore NS