Happy Halloween!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
As the midterm break approaches, I would like to like to express my sincere gratitude to everyonethe Board of Management, staff, children, parents and the wider school community for helping and supporting us to get through this term successfully. Although there is still a lot of uncertainty with the pandemic, if we maintain a collective effort we will get through it together.
1. SSPF Visit- 20th October
Yesterday a Department of Education School Inspector conducted a pilot SSPF Visit (Supporting the Safe Provision of Schooling Visit) in the school. This visit entailed an examination of 10
specific aspects of the Department`s Covid 19 Response Plan for the Safe & Sustainable Reopening of Schools. Each of these aspects had a number of indicators, that enabled the inspector to determine if the school was fully implementing that aspect of the Response Plan. I am delighted to announce that the school was fully compliant in each aspect of the SSPF Visit. This is due in no small measure to the collective efforts of all involved in the preparations for the reopening of the school and the continued efforts of the staff and Board of Management. Well done to everyone!
2. Midterm Break
The school will close for Midterm Break on Friday 23rd of October.
The school will re-open on Monday 2nd November.
3. Dressing Up & The Witches` Walk
Pupils will be allowed to dress up on Friday 23rd October. However, no masks or props will be allowed. Also we would like to discourage pupils from dressing up as clowns, as it may cause undue anxiety in our younger children. We will also be having our annual Witches` Walk on that day, weather pending. Due to Covid 19, all classes will complete the Witches` walk at separate timeslots.
4. Team Hope Shoebox Appeal
Due to the current situation, the Team Hope Shoebox Appeal has moved online. As physical shoeboxes cannot be sent this year, gift filled shoeboxes can be donated online. Further information is available on www.teamhope.ie should you wish to donate to this cause. Your kindness & generosity will mean that children in third world countries will receive a gift this Christmas.
5. Seesaw App
We will be endeavouring to get the Seesaw App up and running in the coming weeks. Further guidance will be issued for parents at a later stage.
6. October School Fees
The school fees due this month were The Arts, Crafts, Photocopying and Christmas Jumper at a total cost of €22.50 payable via the school App. The Christmas Jumper fee included here is a fee of €2 per child which will be donated to The Lions Club in December. As part of this initiative, all children will be allowed to wear a Christmas Jumper on the last day of term before the Christmas holidays. Many thanks to all of the parents/guardians who have paid these fees.
7. School Website: www.clashmorens.ie
Our school website will be updated with photos of school activities this term, so keep an eye on it in the coming 2 weeks!
8. Reminder of School E-Mail: clashmorens19@gmail.com
Please forward all correspondence to the above school e-mail.
9. Best Wishes
We are sad to be saying goodbye to Patricia Leahy & we wish her every best wish in her future endeavours.
Finally, I would like to wish all of our students, staff and their families a happy and safe Halloween.
Le gach beannacht uaimse,
Yvonne Uí Fhlaithimhín