September Newsletter 2020
A Message from the Board of Management Well done to Mrs Flavin and all the Staff for managing a safe and successful return to school. The children have been wonderful and have adapted well to all the new routines. The Board looks forward to working with the whole school community in the coming year. In the meantime, stay safe, and take care.
D P Simento
Chairperson – BOM
Welcome Back!
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope that you and yours continue to be safe and well. It was an absolute joy to see so many happy faces (parents and children!), when we welcomed all of our boys and girls back to school on the 26th August. While school looks a little bit different, thankfully we are all adjusting nicely to our new `norm`. I would like to sincerely thank parents and the school community for co-operating and supporting the new measures in place as per our Covid-19 Response Plan. It is imperative that we all play our part to keep everyone safe and to keep the school open.
Fáilte is Fiche Romhaibh!
I would like to extend a special welcome to our new Junior Infants and our new families. I hope that you will be very happy here as part of our school community. We are delighted to welcome Miss Dunne (1st & 2nd Class Teacher) back again and Mr. Hally (5th & 6th Class Teacher) who is covering maternity leave for Mrs. Osborne and Mr. Christopher Power who will be with us on a part-time basis as a Special Needs Assistant.
Equally we wish our past pupils every success as they begin their secondary school education.
Míle Buíochas
I would like to extend my thanks to the school staff and members of the Board of Management, their extended families & volunteers who helped complete the necessary upgrades to the school during the summer to enable us to re-open.
School Upgrades
Amongst the upgrades we have installed Hot Water, Hand Sanitisers, Hand Towel Dispensers, Soap Dispensers, External Visual Distance Markings, Internal & External Covid 19 Signage, New Window Vinyls on exit doors, 2 New School Signs and Pedal Bins in each room. New laptops have been purchased for the teachers and 6 New laptops have been purchased for the student laptop trolley. I would like to thank the Parents` Association who funded 2 new interactive whiteboards that have been installed in the Infant Room and in 1st & 2nd Class. We also launched our school Website at and our new online payments App.
The Staff of Clashmore National School are as follows:
- Principal: Mrs. Yvonne Uí Fhlaithimhín, Special Education Teacher,
- 5th& 6th Class Teacher: Mr. Kevin Hally
- 3rd& 4th Class teacher, Deputy Principal: Mrs. Suzanne Hynes,
- 1st and 2nd class teacher: Ms Aoife Dunne,
- Junior & Senior Infant Teacher: Mrs. Michelle O’Donovan,
- Special Education Teacher (SET): Mrs. Patricia Keogh, based in Clashmore N.S and shared with Ballycurrane N.S,
- S. N.A. (Special Needs Assistant), Mrs. Siobhan Fitzgerald,
- S.N.A. (Special Needs Assistant), Mrs. Dawn Goulding/Mr. Christopher Power,
- S.N.A. (Special Needs Assistant), Mrs. Patricia Leahy,
- Secretary: Mrs. Breeda O’Keeffe,
- Caretaker: Patrick Foley,
- Mr. Steven O`Connor will be covering Principal Administration Days.
Comhghairdeas! We would like to congratulate Mrs. Osborne on the birth of her baby daughter. We wish them every happiness.
School Secretary: Please note that our school secretary Breeda is only in school during the times listed below. These times can be subject to change depending on the needs of the school.
- Monday 10:00-12:30pm
- Tuesday 10:00-12:00
- Wednesday 10:00-12:30pm
- Thursday 10:00-12:30pm
- Friday 10:00-12:30pm
- Supervision: As the new school year begins, the Board of Management would like to remind you that the school operates from 9.20am to 3pm. Infants finish at 1:55pm & 2pm. To facilitate the children`s safe arrival to school, your child should arrive at school between 9:10am and 9:20am and go straight into his/her class where his/her teacher will be waiting for him/her there. There will be no supervision in the yard in the morning. To Keep everyone safe, pupils are not permitted to enter the school grounds before 9:10am. Supervision will be provided until 3:10pm. However, the school accepts no responsibility for children before 9.10am or after 3:10pm.
- Road Safety & Access: In order to provide for the children’s safe entry to and exit from school, the following protocol has been approved by the Board of Management. Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st and 2nd classes are to enter and leave the school grounds via the lower pathway on the village side. Senior children from 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th classes are required to use the upper pathway on the Aglish side.
When dropping off and collecting your child, please park adjacent to your child’s designated pathway. If you have children in both the Junior and Senior end of the school, please collect all children at the junior pathway.
- Homework: Please note that homework will begin on Monday 5th October in each class. Homework will be sent home daily from Monday to Thursday. Pupils will bring home the required books in their plastic zip pouch and return them the following day. In the next few weeks, we will be endeavouring to get the Seesaw App up and running in the school. Seesaw is a digital portfolio tool which allows pupils to store their work and gain feedback from their teacher. Further instructions will issue about this in the coming weeks.
- Healthy Eating Guidelines: As part of the school`s Healthy Eating Guidelines, pupils are allowed to bring a small treat on Friday (e.g. fun sized bar/bag of sweets, small home bakes, popcorn or pretzels, chocolate spread or yogurts not containing nuts). However, there is a total ban on nut and nut products (e.g. nutella) due to the serious allergies of some pupils. Equally, cordial is only permitted at lunch time. Please see our website for the Healthy Eating Guidelines.
- Contact Details: If you have not already done so, please advise the school immediately, if your contact details have changed since last year (e.g. Phone number, home address & e-mail). It is most important that you include an emergency number that is operable, in the event of an illness/emergency.
- Pupil Absences: If your child is absent during the year please send a note/email/write in the school journal explaining the absence, so that the school can record a reason for the absence.
- Medication: In the event that your child requires medication during school hours, you are required to fill out an indemnity and information form in advance before any medication can be permitted in the school. These forms are available on request from the school office.
Finally, I would like to wish you all a welcome return to school and I would like to thank you for your continued co-operation and support.
Le gach beannacht uaimse,
Yvonne Uí Fhlaithimhín